As a MICA Flight Paramedic with decades of varied experience in ‘a life of extremes’ Darren’s unique stories are a sure way to connect with the audience. Comfortable talking about medical procedures to health professionals or delegation, team building and leadership too businesses. Darren is sure to fill the room with a few laughs, tears, and some valuable learnings along the way.



Speaking at the Royal Children's Hospital Grand Trauma Round. A combined audience of health professionals, doctors, nurses and paramedics.

Speaking at the Royal Children's Hospital Grand Trauma Round. A combined audience of health professionals, doctors, nurses and paramedics.

ANZCP conference

Speaking at the 2019 Ambulance Professionals Conference in Melbourne

Speaking at the 2019 Ambulance Professionals Conference in Melbourne

Monash University

Presenting to the next generation of paramedics.

Presenting to the next generation of paramedics.